Day 8^^

Good morning world !!! :p

So what should I consume to energize me in this wonderful morning? :p

Breakfast : peanut butter bread =p 

I dislike butter yes but I eat peanut butter =p well of course it tastes lot different with peanut inside haha=p

And according to my other half, peanut butter has high protein content in small amount :p

It's actually a slice of bread but I cut it into half cause it was a huge slice of bread :p

And an apple to keep me full longer =p

And for lunch I packed..................

Ta daaaa !!!!

Egg salad (lettuce,cucumber & 1.5eggs-1full egg and egg white) :p
And for the dressing I just use miracle whip. Haha

And also ....

The cheapest and delicious yet healthy fruit in the world : banana :p

For dinner : banana + papaya ( fruit night)

Weight : 126 lbs
Workout : none ( gym was full !!!, so they don't let anyone else in :/ )


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